Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Higher Than High

I'm higher than high. Calm down, I'm not a stoner. I just did something huge. I moved 1,000 miles away. How does it feel? I feel higher than high right now, and that's not just because I moved up north, it's because I'm experiencing just the beginnings of independence, gut, and the high you get when you take a big chance and you take that sigh of relief when you pull through and it feels right.  I don't know what the future holds, but I don't have to.  At this moment I'm perfectly content with getting up and running down Oakeland Drive and then when I come to the end, deciding on a whim whether I'll go right or left.  I don't know the area, I just run because I'm not there to explore, I'm there for me, my health, and my body.  The scenery is just the cherrie on top of the sundae.

Then I got to thinking... this is how life should be.  You do everything with the intent of doing the most with what you have, and then you enjoy the little extras as they come your way.  You appreciate beauty when you see it, you breath in the new air, and you take risks, but you do all these things while still persuing a goal. Always a goal...always a new life lesson, whether it's the career you want, the life you want, or the person you want to be.  I think sometimes we get so caught up in the scenery that we forget where we're going; however, if we persue something, the scenery will follow.  It may not be the scene you pictured yourself in, but in the end, sometimes something that starts as a dream or spark of imagination comes to life, and you paint an entirely new pictures, and it just looks great.  There I go, bringing art into again... can't help it, it's the artist in me!

How am I feeling? Higher than high. Why? Because I'm turning over a new chapter and it's not on January 1st, it's on November 14th and it's real life.  Am I sad to leave the people I care about 1000 miles away? Sure I am. Am I stimulated by new things, change, and adventure? Sure I am.  Can you have and experience both?  I'm proof that you can. I've learned that sometimes you can over think things. Sometimes you just have to go with your gut and not think about details, just let it happen. It's not about a new place getting you off, it's about growth and sometimes growth is setting aside your fears and not running away, but simply stepping into a new place and searching relentlessly for success and new opportunity. That starts tomorrow...I'm excited. Just kidding, I'm deliriously happy.