Tuesday, May 18, 2010

My First Step

The summer of 2010 has been a summer of new beginnings for me. However, I've learned that in order for something to begin, a step has to be made in that direction. Steps are the key to life's accomplishments, the very essence of change and success. Steps can go in any given direction; however, I prefer to step forward and keep my eye on what is in front of me. Perhaps that is why I have such a horrible memory! Perhaps I was made that way in order to forget the past so that I have nothing to hold me back from exploring the future. Erwin McManus once said, "sometimes the limitations you are willing to accept establish the boundaries of your existence." I believe in this quote; however, I also believe that it is a few words short. Boundaries are established at times by our Creator to embark us on the journey that He intends us to go on. I like to believe that my journey started when I came to know God in a deeper way last summer; however, now I see that everything that has happened in my life brought me to that point, and everything that has happened will carry me farther forward, much like an ocean current. God is that current, and we can fight him for a time, but he continually reveals his faithfulness in sticking with us, even if we try to swim in the wrong direction.

Stepping into this summer has proved to be the first step in a new direction for me. It has led me to Fort Lauderdale, to the very same street that my Abuelo lived on years ago. This is rather zany when you think about it! Maybe it is just a coincidence, or maybe it was a sign that years ago I was supposed to come back to this very place. I like to think that it was planned all along, by the master planner Himself. I'm here for my internship, or am I? Perhaps I am here for a deeper reason that is still to reveal itself as I keep stepping forward, into a new life, and deeper into the journey that God has set out for me. I'm excited to see where that road leads me!

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