Monday, September 27, 2010

Lense Craft

I used to want glasses, mainly so that I could fit in with everyone else in middle school and also because I wanted to pick a cool colored frame, yeah lame haha. I got to thinking today: half of the people in my class are wearing glasses right now, but all of us are seeing through "lenses". Why is it that we look at one another through colored lenses and judge each other based on our day? It's interesting how we have bad mood days, we tend to see people in a more negative light. Then there are those good days, when everyone is walking around with a halo.

The fact of the mater is, we define people based on our own perceptions of them. Not saying that in the words of Berry, "I control you, and you are under my power!" No, rather the way we see people is the way we treat them and if people are treated a certain way for so long, they develop the amazing social dynamic called the self-fulfilling prophecy. They eventually become the person they are percieved to be. It is insane to think that peoples behaviors actually write their own stories, utilizing their own expectations. Wow, expectations have power. Ok, so we subcontiously have expectations but contiously, what if we were to say "i'm going to counteract this problem and limit my expectations?" Just a thought...

I want to try to stop seeing people through lenses. I want to bust out of this role and limit my assessments...control my prohibitions. See the world through the eyes of Christ, as a beautiful work of art, just waiting to be looked upon by a viewer who sees the beauty and not the rough brush stroke; the entire image and not the scratch on the back of the portrait.

1 comment:

  1. "they develop the amazing social dynamic called the self-fulfilling prophecy. They eventually become the person they are percieved to be."

    Very insightful. You should right more.
