Friday, November 12, 2010

Life In Color

"You can't escape that there are hopes and passions inside you, waiting to come alive. You know there is so much more you have to offer, though you don't say it out loud." Much like the words that Erwin says in his book, Wideawake and much like the words in Metric's song, did they tell you, you should grow up, when you wanted to dream?... Sometimes we dream so big that we ourselves think we're crazy and sometimes we get discouraged because we feel like every idea that we come up with is just a mirror image or bounce off of someone elses...

I hate cliche sayings; but the saying, there is nothing new under the sun really springs to life when I picture all of the dreams that have become realities for so many people. These dreams are often just an upgrade of someone elses thoughts or a bringing to life of someone elses ideas. It is in coming to this place that I've realized that discouragement doesn't get us anywhere, nor does sitting in our rooms rearranging things and hoping that one day we'll rearrange our lives or present circumstances. Sometimes we think our lives are defined by problems that we haven't dealt with or overcome yet; however, each one of us has something beautiful to offer the world. The miracle is not in doing it, the miracle is seeing it so that we can see what God sees.

"Wouldn't it be wonderful if, when we saw a problem, we assumed we were to be part of the solution? Seeing a problem only lets you know where your limits are if you don't solve it. Problems, obstacles, and challanges can either become the markers of our limits and limitations, or they can become the springboard into a whole new world."

Sometimes in order to see and appreciate the good in life, we have to experience the bad and the ugly in order to see the contrast. Maybe in order to recognize a dream and a success, we have to experience a discouragement or a failure. We often think that pain leads to distruction of our souls, but I think we're wrong. I think that pain leads to need, need leads to seeking, and seeking leads to finding God and what he has for our lives. I like the "feel good mentality", I'm not gunna lie...I'd rather push things under the rug than deal with them because dealing with things is painful and scary. However, I know the process is worth while because it takes you from black and white to color. Seeing in color makes everything come alive, including your dreams, your loves, and your passions.

So my challenge today is to open my eyes and live life in color. It's never too late to be what you might have been or do what you have been called your whole life to's never too late to try something new, get out of your comfort zone, and truly live. It's never too late to dream and let those dreams come alive. It's never too late to stop being a victim of circumstances and start living the life that you were called to live.

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